Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Community Pots by ernest.

Community Laneway garden Project.
As the streets become neglected in the post oil world, the notion of the backyard and its importance will rise, use such existing infrastructure, such as the laneways in the reconnection of community. Laneways will become a major access point in the future living of Australia, creating a connection between dwellings and creating shared space. From the Community Laneway project, has come the conceptual architectural artefact, the community pot, providing a controlled growing space for local food production. As we have come from a heavily influenced artificial world, growing from the ground may be doing more harm then good, so the need for a controlled food growing space is needed. This also assists to the native conservation, allowing the areas we live to be returned to their native natural state. As this is for a transitional period of conservation, it also allows time for our urban soils to be rejuvenated, removing the artificial contaminants in which we have disposed of over time through the human development.
What is a pot?
Pots are very interesting, we use them to contain plants, generally, so that they can be moved according to our there need. Of course sometimes some plants grow better in pots, but that’s because they’re not in their natural surrounding and need more attention for us to enjoy the luxury of foreign plants. Another factor with relates to the pot is the fact that it is a controlled environment, as we are able to control what soil plants grow in, and what shelter and surrounds they sit in.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Under Construction

Welcome to ernest. landscaping's  new blog. Watch this space to see the future of ethical landscaping projects, challenging not only current methods of landscaping but manifesting them to benefit the surrounding architectures, placing importance into the user and the surrounding environment.

Born 3rd September 2010

On a day in September, a few mate came together and made a choice to do something great.